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Happy Gaming

We at Funstage have set ourselves the goal of providing fun and entertainment with our games. Our players come first. We want to offer you the best possible entertainment with our games and platforms. For that reason, we continuously expand our range of titles with popular classics and red-hot newcomers brimming with unique features.

Gaming should be fun! Not only entertainment lies close to our hearts, but also your safety. We want you to enjoy our selection of titles safely and in a responsible manner. To make sure your gaming fun is not spoilt, we are happy to provide helpful tips for playing our games responsibly.

The Games Offered

Several game studios program and maintain our games. This ensures diverse gameplay for you. Boredom? No chance! Our range of games is as unique as it is diverse and enables you to access games that are similar to real casino games, but in a social gaming setting. As opposed to real online casinos, at our place, you will never play for real money! You can only bet and win virtual game currency on our social gaming platforms. In addition to games, we also offer unique features and campaigns, exciting challenges, social contact to fellow players and a very special gaming experience that you can enjoy wherever and whenever.

Much like in a real casino, our technology is based on a random number generator, which ensures that the winning chance cannot be influenced in any way – neither by us nor by other players. 

Our support team always has a sympathetic ear for your ideas and suggested improvements. You can contact us anytime if you dislike something. Please note that we will not respond to feedback regarding the random number generator or requests to change it. We cannot change the winning chance.

We are happy to explain how exactly our random number generator works by means of an example.

How the Random Number Generator Works

Imagine a container that holds a large number of white marbles and a low number of red and blue marbles. Red marbles represent winnings, while blue marbles represent Free Games. White marbles neither score winnings nor Free Games.

Every time you play a round, you draw a ball from this container without being able to see it beforehand. Which colour you draw depends on chance.

Afterwards, the ball will be put back in the container and the next draw begins.

This means that each individual spin or each individual game move has exactly the same chance to result in a win, Free Games or no win. The winning chance remains the same no matter how many rounds you have previously played. Equally, it makes no difference at what time you play, how high the bets are, whether you have purchased a pack or whether you have previously had a winning or losing streak.

On some of our platforms we also offer a lobby function that allows you to pick a seat. Just as in a real casino, it is possible to look over other players’ shoulders and always return to your favourite seat. However, the chances of winning are the same at all seats. Should you leave your seat and another player takes it, the chances for a win do not increase.

The Game Duration

We love games. You too? Then you are not alone – video games are a very popular form of entertainment. They delight countless players worldwide on a daily basis, regardless of whether they play alone or with others. In video games, you can immerse yourself in new worlds and experience fantastic challenges.

But your time is precious. Especially when caught in the stresses and strains of everyday life, you might overlook how you arrange your day. Because even though games are a lot of fun, a balanced pastime is as important as a balanced diet. Gripping TV shows, sporting activities or video games – balancing your hobbies is important.

Because when we enjoy a hobby a great deal, it can easily happen that we get lost in it. We can get so lost, in fact, that we begin to lose track of the time we have spent doing it. We can end up spending too much of our time focusing on it, or quickly lose interest in the activity that we engage in too intensively.

How can you make sure you have fun with our games in a responsible manner and continue to enjoy an entertaining gaming experience as a long-term hobby?

Preventative measures:

Here is a selection of such apps:


To keep up the gaming fun, we offer a variety of different bonuses on our platform. There is also the option to receive additional game credit with purchases. We offer different pack sizes and attractive shop deals at regular intervals on our websites and our apps.

As with any purchase, it is important to keep track of expenses. Many players think they know how much they’ve spent so far and how much they still have left of their planned budget. In any case, it is advisable to read the following tips and follow them:

  1. You can send an e-mail to our support team to support@diamondcashslots.com from the e-mail address you provided for your player account and tell us your desired amount. Our support team will then set this limit.
  2. You set this limit with your payment method. For this, it is best to contact your payment provider’s support team or check out their help pages.  If you use an Android device, you can set a limit in your Google Playstore account. Please click on the following link to find out how to do this: 


Should you really want to set a purchase limit, we recommend to make use of both above-mentioned options.


As well as time, communication is a very important aspect of our lives. Not only does it help to express our feelings and wishes, it also reinforces them. Even video games and other media have gained in interaction and gaming fun because of chats and other communication channels.

We at Funstage are aware of that and have therefore integrated many features that facilitate communication and interaction amongst fellow players. But because sometimes conversations might spoil your gaming fun, we have the following suggestions for you:

Finally, we would like to talk to you about communicating with fellow human beings. That means people who you are in contact with in everyday life and have a positive relationship with – be it a relative or a friend. Honesty is a very important aspect for these relationships to work. This should also hold true for your hobbies, how much time you spend on them every day and how much money you spend on them. You should regularly have conversations about this with people you trust. That way, you can gain a lot of insight into your behaviour as well as the effect it can have on people in your environment. In any case, it helps you to make the right decisions.


Especially our hobbies trigger strong emotions. These emotions will determine our behaviour and our mood. Specifically video games that can be consumed anytime thanks to mobile devices influence our behaviour significantly. They arouse ambition and make it possible to reach unimaginable things, and we experience great victories or defeats that can have a strong impact on our minds.

Emotions and your own behaviour can change when you spend your time in a monotonous way, when you always do the same thing. The hobby will not be as much fun as before, the joy of winning dwindles and defeats will impact your mood more negatively than before. You will only notice losses and get more and more upset about them. But instead of having a break or doing something else, you keep playing. A lack of exercise and a poor diet that can be the consequence of these ever growing periods of time will enhance the already mentioned negative emotions. All this can result in a very negative attitude towards the hobby. This is especially true for games where chance alone decides and you have no control over a successful outcome.

Would you like to know whether you have a healthy approach to gaming and discover how gaming influences your everyday life? Please follow the link and find out by conducting a self-test:

Start Self-Assessment Now [LINK: https://survey.zohopublic.eu/zs/YGBj4o?s=DCS&l=en&lang=en]